Kubernetes automates deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. OPA provides fine-grained, context-aware authorization for which application component configuration.
Code & Repos
- Securing Kubernetes With Admission Controllers - Kubecon Seattle 2018
- Dave Strebel - microsoft
- Using OPA for Admission Control in Production - Kubecon Seattle 2018
- Zach Abrahamson - Capital One
- Todd Ekenstam - Intuit
- Liz Rice Keynote - Kubecon Seattle 2018
- Liz Rice - AquaSecurity
- Intro to Open Policy Agent Gatekeeper - Kubecon Barcelona 2019
- Rita Zhang - microsoft
- Max Smythe - google
- Policy Enabled Kubernetes and CICD - OPA Summit at Kubecon San Diego 2019
- Jimmy Ray - capitalone
- TripAdvisor: Building a Testing Framework for Integrating OPA into K8s - OPA Summit at Kubecon San Diego 2019
- Luke Massa - tripadvisor
- Enforcing automatic mTLS with Linkerd and OPA Gatekeeper - Kubecon San Diego 2019
- Ivan Sim - buoyant
- Rita Zhang - microsoft
- Enforcing Service Mesh Structure using OPA Gatekeeper - Kubecon San Diego 2019
- Sandeep Parikh - google
- TGIK: Exploring the Open Policy Agent -
- Joe Beda - VMware
- https://medium.com/@sbueringer/kubernetes-authorization-via-open-policy-agent-a9455d9d5ceb
- https://medium.com/@jimmy.ray/policy-enabled-kubernetes-with-open-policy-agent-3b612b3f0203
- https://blog.openpolicyagent.org/securing-the-kubernetes-api-with-open-policy-agent-ce93af0552c3
- https://itnext.io/kubernetes-authorization-via-open-policy-agent-a9455d9d5ceb
- https://medium.com/capital-one-tech/policy-enabled-kubernetes-with-open-policy-agent-3b612b3f0203
- https://blog.openshift.com/fine-grained-policy-enforcement-in-openshift-with-open-policy-agent/
Related Software
- Kubernetes in the OPA Ecosystem
Category | containers |
Layer | orchestration |
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